WWW.BODYPOSITIVE.COM is designed for educational purposes, and is
not a substitute for professional medical or psychological care.
Email sent to this site asking for personal advice is discouraged.
If you require medical or psychological services please consult a
qualified professional in your area. Local psychotherapy inquiries may
be made through Dr. Burgard's office phone only (650-321-2606).
Copyright 1999-2016
Debora Burgard, Ph.D. Please do not use without notice or
attribution. This website is privately and individually supported
by Dr. Burgard. We do not accept advertising at this time. Products, projects, and services are mentioned on
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"Body Positive" is a registered trademark.
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For problems or questions regarding this web
contact Dr. Burgard at 650-321-2606 or bpositive at
spamex dot com Last updated:
March 05, 2011.