1 Picking
a weight and then trying to reach and maintain it usually doesnt work. Follow-up
studies of 2-5 years show almost everyone regains at least the weight they lost if not
more, regardless of treatment. |
2 Weight
loss promoters promise a better life. But trying to reach a specific number on the
scale leaves you vulnerable to hazardous weight practices. It makes you pay
attention to the wrong thing: While your eye is on the scale, your hair could be
falling out, your friendships straining, your concentration shot. This is the
process to reach a "healthy" weight? Why not go for the better life by
working directly on the things that matter to you and let your weight do whatever it does? |
3 If you
are not "weight neutral," you might be perpetuating the myth that you can
"read" a person's character from the size of her body. This is a form of prejudice
in which we are all well-schooled. You might be perpetuating this myth on
yourself as well, associating "good" traits with thinness and the
"bad" ones with fatness. In fact, all of us are capable of a whole range
of behaviors regardless of our sizes.
4 Weight
neutrality frees up all the money you spend on attempts to change weight. Go ahead
and add it up: How much have you spent on diets, diet products, multiple wardrobes in
different sizes, clothes that you've never worn, hardly used gym memberships, and so on? |
5 Weight
neutrality frees up all the time and energy you spend on attempts to change weight. Think
about all the obsessing about weight (for yourself and others) and think how you could
harness it for what really matters. |
6 Being
weight neutral allows you to "keep your eyes on the prize": Developing the
skills you need to be resilient and flexible in the face of life's demands and
opportunities. How effective a person are you allowing yourself to be if retaining
water ruins your day? How satisfying can such a day be to you? |
7 It makes
you feel free, free, free! Free of the industries which want your money that promise
to cure your insecurities that don't really want to offer a product that works because
then you wouldn't keep coming back to spend more money to cure your insecurities. . . you
get the picture. |
8 It
allows you to appreciate the wonders of this body you occupy.
9 It
allows you to appreciate the wonders of other people whose bodies are not
more fun. Free your body and your mind will follow . . .
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