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Finding the Parent Within

Since the time that people began talking about finding their "inner child," I have wondered whether there would be a time when we would try to find some parents. After all, all these inner children are orphans, or at least latchkey kids, without "inner parents."  And the more I have worked with women struggling to recognize that they have desires and needs that deserve attention, the more important I think it is to find the part of yourself that will give that attention. 

When you care about what you need and want, the universe feels safer.

You might start this process with a meditation. Or sometimes the process begins with asking yourself, "Am I hungry?"  But it rarely ends there.  Once you care about whether you are hungry, you care about what you are hungry for.  You care about being entitled to enjoy eating (see Mindful Meals).  And what that food feels like being metabolized (see Every Body Part Gets a Vote). You realize you know quite a bit about your body already (see Body Intelligence), and it's time to stop verbally abusing it (see Your Body Hears). And maybe what you're hungry for doesn't turn out to be food at all.  And maybe you try to get what you're wanting. What a concept!

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The Body Positive Dancer

Body Positive: Change Your Mind, Change Your Culture, and Let Your Body Be

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Last updated: March 05, 2011.